New Sisters!
And Elders!
Ana and Angel....the secret behind success.
President, the Northrups and Sister Dissanayaka before she finished her mission.
Mission Leadership Council- we are so blessed to have them!
Your mothers would be so proud of you!
Zone Conference - Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Zone Conference - Thursday, August 13, 2015
President Hiatt setting an example for everyone, bravely getting his flu shot!
Some Elder Honda...loved to be dramatic, but when I asked them to tell me what their pain level was when getting the shot, most told me between 0-2 on a pain scale of 0 meaning none at all and 10 meaning awful pain....
Elder Ashton smiled through the whole thing. :)
Sister Iler did a wonderful job teaching a class on using the Adjusting to Missionary Life Booklet. She juggled teaching and practicing while the missionaries were being taken to get their shots....and chocolate. :) She is such an amazing sister. We are going to miss her so much!
The classes were a combination of learning and practicing and repracticing.
Elder Burgos and Elder Zook taught us how to help our investigators do their family history.
Teaching about different emotional zones.....
Palawan Zone Conference in Puerto Princesa
Doing Try-outs for the Manila Mission Christmas Choir....
President Hiatt, Elder Boshard, Elder Wilson and Elder Hadley returning to Manila