Thursday, September 29, 2016

2016-09-25 Sandoval BRANCH Organized!

When we first arrived in the Philippines two years ago, we visited all the church buildings.  One that had just been built, had been built by a group of members themselves.  It was a thatched, open air hut with plastic chairs.  It was built on the land of one of the members, right within feet of their home.  The skill with which the roof was woven was amazing.  It was all "hand-made".  They built it because it was too far and expensive for them to attend church at the nearest branch.  So when they were given permission to have a group there, they decided to build their own building to meet in. 

Now, two years later, they have become a branch.  It is humbling to see the faithfulness of these members here.  Oh how we wish we could be half as faithful as they are.  May we never forget what we have seen and what they have taught us.  May you feel the spirit of this incredible meeting as you look at these pictures.

    The thatched room has been replaced with an aluminum roof!

                      Every church building needs......a clock for the speakers to watch.  :)

                                    The future leaders of the future Sandoval WARD......:)